1. For every mile of road there are 2 miles of ditches
Meaning: There are two sides to every story.
2. There is no use boiling your cabbage twice
Meaning: Stop going over and over worries in your head because it solves nothing.
3. The older the fiddle the sweeter the tune
Meaning: Things and people improve over time.
4. A woman planted feathers in a dunkel and thought she had grown hens
Meaning: Just because you ‘thought’ something would work out doesn’t mean you were right.
5. It’s often that a man’s mouth broke his nose
Meaning: Watch what you say because it could get you in trouble
6. As the old cock crows the young cock learns
Meaning: Children learn by example
7. If there was work in the bed he would sleep on the floor
Meaning: Used to describe people who are very lazy
8. No need to fear the ill-wind when your haystacks are tied down
Meaning: Once you have prepared properly then there’s no need to worry the outcome
9. The longest road out is usually the shortest road home
Meaning: If you invest time and effort into something it will pay off in the latter end
10. You will arrive back with one arm longer than the other
Meaning: You are heading out on a thankless quest. You’ll arrive back with nothing to show for it
11. You will never plough a field by turning it over in your mind
Meaning: Merely thinking about something won’t get it done
12. He didn’t lick it off a stone
Meaning: Peoples actions are influenced by those around them